Test Connect Box 3 - Tuesday 25 April 2023, 4:28pm - ukc test
Test Connect Box 3
Tuesday, 25th April 2023 at 4:28pm
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1 2 1 2 1 2
1 2 3 4 5
one too.
1 2 1 2 1 2 is winnable 5.
and again.
good good good.
we do pretty good.
this is a sort of box.
to be an Austrian, but not to actually
be an operator
the thing is perfectly.
fingers Muslims do change their view because, yeah, obviously my facing in the world to see this coming,
we must go out. Yes,
and then the mix one, yes, lots of the valley and then well she growing over the messenger the red messenger on the right-hand side.
and the top Minister visited here.
yeah OK, so yeah, this is what is telling you that needs
to try again and a bit
so I think it's because it's
yes, be conscious of it, it's like yeah, and also even it thinks your finger is aiming higher than your fingers, so you have to in-law, I say.
once you start to get the message, yes,
most notable, it's OK.
but you don't know that they say. noted,
a lot of the work
he got the support.
a lot of that will be for how best how best going to receive that now today.
Keith Lloyd.
so it's situated where it is.
the better.
kids are now a few to yes because they were cast, yes.
one set of proposals which
if Silicon Valley say?
I look great this OK,
very good.
and this is thus.