Demo for Lyvia - Tuesday 10 October 2023, 9:19am - ukc test

Demo for Lyvia
Tuesday, 10th October 2023 at 9:19am 









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  1. Alan Price
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  1. Alan Price
  2. Cllr Rob Saunders
  3. Alan Price
  4. Alan Price
  5. Alan Price
  6. Alan Price
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  1. Alan Price
  2. Webcast Finished

Alan Price - 0:00:00
so it shows me that we are now live.
and we are going to start the first item on the agenda, which is introductions.


what other people see on their on their end?
when the public are seeing on their side.
he just said to him on occasions average, you can see the name of the person that speaking and the fact that we already on the agenda called introduction, and this is life, and then I would guess let's say that I want to do my introductions.
Alan Price - 0:00:40
as the right to speak.
we have one person that can speak alongside you as the Chairman, you would see your name appearing there in a second yeah, I think I'm not, we asked him, I'll have turned off the door as it is going to be OK, I'll get yeah yeah yeah, but there is a delay began yes he live because,
we are going through high variety servers yeah, we can catch up for thousands and thousands of people yeah.
so yeah as well.
authority area, so special the chairman's Mike Campbell, said.
Cllr Rob Saunders - 0:01:15
OK, OK, yeah yeah, but then I'll just say hello one and then.
you are speaking on all sides.
Alan Price - 0:03:50
and Adam you're gonna need to speak to be able to.
so we are going to see as soon as he turned on his microphone we are going to see Adam we can see him in the list of attendees at the bottom down on the left-hand side, this helps me as a chair to understand, rose considerably outstrip Overstone speak them out yeah that's it.
the signage only noticeable it's just to show.
Alan Price - 0:04:29
that was listening good, yes, we can see you on the signage and the idea of photographing there's a bit of, I don't know if you're on the 4G or something that inequality is not super amazing, but that's that might be.
of something else.
and so yes
Alan Price - 0:04:49
Adam what I'm going to do now, as I am going to starts normally in the meeting we we.
I suppose what we can do is show also the the fact that you know if your remote or local in the room what's important, is that you've got the same rights, to speak and to vote, that's one important thing.
for councillors, so what I would say is that if you guys would like to start to speak
gives a speech to allow it and say.
just ended, so now speaking, Adam is going to request to speak, he's going to want to speak on his side and you see is now in the waiting queue.
and when?
we last finished, speaking, then, is going to become Adam's turn to speak, he sees my eyes actually microphone is muted because we are not allowed to remotely activate his microphone, this would be a privacy issue.
turns it on now.
of them you know.
sorry, yeah obviously omitted.
Alan Price - 0:05:59
McLaughlin finished and the the the quality of the video is much better now and now it's my character's hopelessly to speak in.
very good so yeah very simple, the next thing I want to show you.
is the fact that you can run a vote during a meeting?
for that.
you are going to use these microphone to actually say yes, no or abstain Adam on this side wouldn't get prompt on his phone and will say No vote as well, I'm looking to see the results on the on the panel, but it's kind of to join me just for the grassroots.
Good question is an app for when you're on the phone, but yeah I mean.
so we use, we actually use the an open source software courtesy, and we modified it to add the voting and some the request to speak for features.
and the translation year, because Welsh class need to add to all new channels one for the floor, which is English or Welsh, and one for the translator, which is only in English.
remote users are downloading and then they have to download the app, and that's right, yes, but some bad news in the browser just about it is working on, but most people actually use it on their laptop.
with the Edge browser straightaway, so that's the nice thing about it and you don't have an Fionna laptop, you don't have to install anything anything just sit in the basket, so it's very that it's very accessible OK let me start to vote.
you've always got good ideas for voting topics on dual mushrooms and breakfast
towards making sustainable future services.
so I'm writing normally you can also record the votes before the meeting so that you don't have to type them, what what are you doing it, this is, I'm doing this on the operator software, I can show you what it likes and what it looks like in here in your breadth.
question mark, you get the choice of four against for against, abstained and yes no abstain, we're gonna put yes, no abstain.
I want to show the individual votes actually I am not going to show them the votes during
the voting because I don't want people to be influenced by other people's choices, and that's what normally happened in the meeting.
and I'm going to click vote now, so on your side you should see a little blue button, you want to tap to register your vote
and then plus 1 yes means, yes, red means snow and yellow is upstate.
yes, you wrote.
yes, she's very much out there.
if I think there are essential, otherwise doesn't actually deny that, let us just shows e-mail, because we shall have to look at just a child listening, so on the as well as saying yeah, only options,
usually you are using these types of microphones, so they are two person sitting quite close to each other and then see.
yes, then, which of this depends on the Council.
I usually they are the same pattern inverting on in the year they tend not to sit to each other,
fertiliser within the know exactly the good, so now, as an operator, I'm going to end the vote and I'm gonna show the vote on the screen and this is when the
I was instrumental for the do not show so there is always an adjoining development, so we can see the vote, results and the close years actually, and we can see reverted for what.
the nice thing about this as well as I can actually go one, is it usually be up to curious devotees is transparency, everybody should see what everybody's working at the end of a vote, yes.
yes, so what that's what I was going to show you now, it's the fact that what normally happens is at the end of the meeting they would actually download as an operator is, you have got the ability to download this PDF excel and then attach it on to the onto the meeting.
so people understand what's what's happened, so this is our vote is finished, we can, let's say everyone to say goodbye to a remote attendees now, yeah, that's fine.
we can, what we can do next is jump another agenda point, let's say.

item 1


item 2

and on to the next one, we can also the other thing I'm allowed to do as an operator is that we might have a break for 20 minutes, there is no point to recall that part of the meeting.
or otherwise, you could have maybe a private section in the meeting and actually actually pause the meeting and put a message to.
need a toilet to the to the public, so they understand what's happening, if it's privately, I can edit those on or on the on our Sierra.

item 2

Alan Price - 0:11:44
do a little bit more recording and very simple at the end of the meeting the operator would stop.