test CR with jason - Monday 18 October 2021, 2:14pm - ukc test

test CR with jason
Monday, 18th October 2021 at 2:14pm 









An agenda has not been published for this meeting.

talks are streaming now
but then
yeah so as soon as the advocacy of the top it says life on your screen
yeah used to be a blue I cannot say grey one fortunately but I think it's clear enough that we'll we'll live streaming to all streaming page
and yes he sees like one click and set an unknown if this goes well the fact that a if you go back onto that button on the stream but you can now oppose the the stream and can also stopped at if you wanted to
the similar features to what we do on their own or casting super-simple another set to you if I put my hand up I'm already talking now but if you were to start talking and then
so if you start talking for a bit yet talking now
now if I start talking NICIE the hand up has actually been removed or tomorrow but it was covered so so the young as soon as you start speaking no money as a said most people would have their we asked me and people who don't we need to have their camera and microphone on we asked them it's better that'll turn them on yet the trouble with that is that no Councillors like to see themselves that ACTU your see the other CIL see that they're fretting when the
was making a big points and instead that at sewer so some of them are complaining about about the that fact the reason why we be asked them to do that is also to keep them their their computer resources to to a minimum we had we used to moon nothing is getting better
our software as Stoute's to bit be a bit heavy for the laptop when and about 50 people with them will out the cameras on so psychologically turns off are some the cameras by itself as well ask it now
so actually about that I'm gonna should share a document
that you need to see on your side
it's quite a lot of the competition connect remote
she wrote to her knowledge base
remove participation connect promotes Marciel to staff as really good the condition for but exports over the mud wreckers
there's also at the bottom there's some stuff around loud meetings yet and this explains what happens when you go a large meeting so for example one as 1 to 29 people only 15 cameras are gonna be on at a time yet by a tweet basically be the last people that spoke
I say as I prioritises and it's a sliding scale when you got up to 70 70 people and more your own ya could have to cancel this is really to be able to have this running on small laptops or tablets that are not back powerful now going to fix this were working at the woman's on pig yeah big merge of code on that's gonna avoid this issue in time as well
that's for the AV so what you can do as well because you're moderator
and actually turn off my audio and video and I yeah so gone three dots against my name
On the some owners some now on the right or on the left-hand side on the Patmos list and if you do that you turn off
I have to turn on back myself OK there's no way for you to turn my camera all my Ojo OK so Amir giant has that
good wanted one
sorry back on other 10 offer then you could be other be billeted attacker yeah you you can't turn it on for me or you can turn it off
the secretary general over that
yeah yeah sketch a again you know
gets very busy some of those meetings each of Bradford with that hunk yeah 80 80 people now meetings 100 people now meetings what appeared on so some time people just Buttin when they shouldn't be much
purposefully simple to do as well as a series of five of the oceans could stuff I'm OK so yeah we talked about the A V the fact that you can join I suppose died in in as well so he can also your if you you you can join in from a phone or tablet Android or Apple yeah but I'm
we recommend that certain I think his iPad Mini 4 minimum for Android with put some specs as well but some time cries you know got to the tablet but they their internet so bad that to actually start even worth it to we offer with the MBT to join in via
a normal phone so you can actually died in into the meeting appearing energy down teams that I'm I think in some meetings young team you should be able to yet as they'll grey feature yeah but of course thing about this the added feature is that you can also put your hand up and put you on down using the key part so yeah star six-tenths star still nothing Do you want to actually call in were not you could in using the number so you see why it's luck on your side
it has already
battalion details are should be shown to you and me three that menu
you also got them in your e-mail for the the warm and the
that pursuant to use stuff that we placed in full about his spend said before meeting up again I said are handled
Keep up on
so if you place Stasi or you get to hear the donation that's a menu
he might want to meet the night one of my nice I thought
so we can you yeah so you can see you go an extra batsman now in the meeting
so we can't I can't hear you because you you Ted
the units Bristol 6 2 and took from you all
that's it
I am going out there
wherever that's why cover no barrier
so it also you can put your hand up I think it's down 9
now so you can see your hand up your hand is up now
yes that means that you want to talk and then
that centrally numbers to it but you can see the the extra batsman what happens is well is that as usual if you think about it that you you're the moderator on your laptop you create your name that person and so that they've got a correct correct name because you know what their number on your side on my side I cannot see the numbers says Stuckler starts after 10 70 unless you have the same say actually on your side as a moderator
the full number or not and I was blocked out on that but I've just changed that's hopefully that come up so that change despite now I yeah G D F G or some challenges in Moab yet the as your back yeah I just had the I'd like a lot under the blank Allardice lesson that should be enough of fully to too far the moderator to recognise the number of the person as coding and fight them but it is possible to her low what should out and their nasty new anomalous to future that's not available yet
OK so I suppose you might want to just turn off your phone from the income back onto a as no more I use on our just use it as moderator may be young mutual self
so that's very important for accessibility for people were an outing sticks like you
the girls
OK the other bits I won't show you is the security options
so if you go straight up menu turn-on or your two things you got the turn on the lobby and your so have the password I recommend that the if you're going to turn on the lobby that you're set a password this is just in case a you lock yourself out as a moderator the problem is that if you have nobody actually controlling the lobby unfortunately the meeting be linked and you know do everybody needs good me to leave the meeting
so it's in the street at menu and and security options
OK OK actually establishing face header
to enable the we made
and set a password
other parts of that
OK it's all joint show my screen and show you what looks like for a user yeah
so you can actually fight this yourself on Nusa can incur me to tap to be another earner another person
let me just show you all here seizure so I just put another
another name
so now on my side this is what I see I will ask to join a bus to join the meeting you joined the meeting as soon as someone accepts your request all I could actually if I knew the password I could actually until the password straightaway to gain access to the meeting OK but on this occasion I'd like you to see on your Asmir writer you should be able to see that the you've now got to me knocking on the door and can just allow me into the meeting
My and says
because I get
muss simplicities yeah very simple as a one owes them the thing that I'm
I suppose I'm we have a problem with with connect remote is the security as is a basic level of security are compared to tease because in teams each user as got their home credentials and convenient into the meeting with the you know the kind of a high security of TRO with that from water Atlanta saying is that councils are terrible at remembering passwords and so on and the the fine I'll software much easier to use so as long as you make sure that he turned on the lobby and and and use it in that way really the the meeting shouldn't get for 2 without notfootball zoned
the aim is to open at the beginning of a zoo meetings people fondling and his man there was rejoicing in Iraqi
so I recommend that people use that future ready but we are looking at adding some
similar to teams are logging for each councillor this would be optional but this will be of so maybe tied in to the login that they already had for the council so the awfully there would have to remember to me passwords a we are we're looking at a single sign-on for attend and think that upper again this won't be ready until maybe later next year
but it would be very nice because this is one of the reasons why why they called Highlands one of your clients have actually Council they wanted to use connect remote and now they've the ITF declined it because of the situation
is that why I had that day time they attracted that patches on about and why yeah Asisat dancers as one of the big reasons they also complained about the quantity
the quantity is no HT or on this meeting can see set to a C disease again for the the reason fought to save resources on your on your laptop we are looking to increase racially and the next month or two I decide I'll just bring more problems with their people were in after the first thing is that four teams you know Katie to go to achieve they only turn on a couple of videos at the time with the everybody night
at all times so yeah
that's fine you know we could have understand their concerns and we are working on them so as the way is
what were the around the security really is the day
I imagine it's not just the 18 must have an vetoed it it's also maybe the I'm their legal department as they are we worried about from the vote side of things that people could just be joining this meeting and setting their ill the same name as a councillor and then be able to take a vote not turn up at Cameron and fake vote the so around that at say low just ill make sure you turn on the lobby for now and and after you'll use the password for a future
I make sure people said their name correctly and and maybe they should turn on the camera when they first joining into the meeting to make sure that out the correct person just a verified his identity now exactly anyone to walk into a face to face me to wear out lava were just exactly this hornsey why it had been for a run on on my being and I think when you talk about Council meeting with a hundred people this is a bit harder to manage what we do say though for listing meetings like open the room an hour before now get people to join in a hero Bill before get them just like Sam with a meeting room you're not going to have ever to come open the door an Ivory Coast exactly at once you know
did you open the room where in advance and they they meet people's loved coven early have a chance to sit down and understood they do you know yeah I guess it's still very early days for for this old thing for councils and the area and I was still very much in the interim post aside as time goes on things allow become the and become more normal and the Habré process I agree
what else I think we're going to move on to the vote now here are figures be time for the role because she seeks to show your now
so you're you're the moderator really I'm on my side I've got voting button by it says voting there's no votes in progress so it's time for both me and put alliance
so confident right types then say for against abstain four-year-olds yes now upstate name yes
yeah that's another thing that a complaint about his they'd like to see free text as well and there so that not just yes-no abstain they might have maybe vote for Councillor John Doe and Carlisle consider that Leblon 6 are and have a choice of of a vote offer the text that you could end so
I imagine that that any quite easy to implement not so much but I've put it high on my lips in my list now so is
so save as you might cite the I'm I can see the vote
are on your side I imagine if if you think about it's your moderator really your clock you don't have a right to vote so you should have really a clickable I'm not individually
both Albania and Translink
throughout my sides have got similar interface the BMA Councillor Sangar vote yes
because it is Monday after all I have got the change my vote as well she's calling it as a new feature you'll site you should see individual you should be able to see you so the Inverell without so voted yet or not and was I think we've all voted to us already
I did not write it if I had if I added a new user
you see that there's not go to debt you might need to add them to the meeting fortunately unless I've got the passport
I am sorry my it's Jason 1 2 3 4
so before you put the password it didn't like it was possible for me to that because the carbon turned on Maya Michael or was it reverberates
what was your question on the site until you put the password then and it didn't like it possible for me to actually allow that user in boss the vote was open no you can't you can actually close that tab that I'm a window and then allow it an reopened voting to voting window afterwards again so that's thought about again not
it could avert is still going on actually a not got
because they also have you stopped the vote now Mr. only saying yes I got Enviro or Council our current let anything else new aspect we're doesn't get a vote on this user spare 9
so erection
could be because we're not sure why
the senior roles
I think I would have thought to either ended or Council of the vote to let the man Machado said he if he tried ranter again
sorry if he tried to re-enter the gap with the other user
but then the password
be interesting if it's due to the passport
now the I think it might be now if it's because of the libido and on the Sinn interesting saying
I can't click allowed here because the blatant strange the openside she can't see the voting screen council and then let us now and then
so the vote of the vote to act as area now can you can otherwise about
no still could you do you mind turning off the lobby in the password please
I think we stumble on a bug here
sir Kudlow troubleshooting session so let parcels off
it looks like the rugby is the best for the still Owmby you might need to set the password the to to actually remove I think there's a button for removing the password yeah nurses password now and as options
we've had also maybe that's not a lie
the trainer
I was fine
still no vote so young I think I'm not sure why it's not
giving me the
the voters passed her own that Sam
something that's not been
there's not quite right anyway if you started a nuclear-free ended that vote
are flooded out of the results of the staff right he are yet we could do that as well
turn your life
cool seeing the vote everywhere now and on your side if you look at the individual results you can see stuff in or you can say to which our user Blur you've not voted yet can you get your act together something yeah
so that's the main reason why but on that as well
so that's the road so you can exploit as you enter the vote now we can actually exports her the day town or be good for you to have a look at it so you understand the am
they tell you get from it
I separated them to support that
tel number plates
Brighton that so must the official record of the Council's yeah
that's what I was reading it
it's tough son
I also includes the people that have not voted includes the Nottage able as ordered in alphabetical order as well that was easy to find people
OK OK so that's that you you got charge you got private chat as well
so you can send a private message by
if you said I am going to three dots again against the Spartacus specific participants you can send a private message you can kick them out as well and you can grant someone moderator so we do allow Newt told moderator permitting OK most important because you might her your is quite big job doing that and you might also want your chair you would she has usually a different person to have my right or wrong writes as well so they can do to ways you can I'm a you can grant them moderator once you in all are Shelley screen quickly
as a user I can't do it myself if you given me the details I can going to set things going to profile going to login and and other details in here
asked what not gonna change my name is just going to registered me as a as a moderate Tata after the same extra buttons that you you'd have as well
the any of the thing that we haven't covered in now and
I was looking for them
background that's a new thing new future for lecture background is the
yell to allow its setting picture but I think you've seen that in the last meeting so not going to go on about it
that's it
so that's nuts we're still live on the meeting on the on-stream only where I am so why don't you stop the stream now and go back