CR Test 12-03-21 - Friday 12 March 2021, 2:56pm - ukc test

CR Test 12-03-21
Friday, 12th March 2021 at 2:56pm 









An agenda has not been published for this meeting.

I was getting a bit word it takes a bit of a wide for to go into the room but that's fine
that a bit strange to get them
yet it seems a bit slow for a might be because I've got lots of things open
it's only thing which we've not between now and the move is late so when I kick a participant out from I was a moderate on the desktop from the actual web application I kicked out or more apart his current on the mobile app
but then on my exposed it didn't and boot me out or get back to the initial two meetings this screen it is Frozi entire and well OK
let me try to on my site
because there is a good one
this is why we do these things you see of course one
the meeting
that's your mobile instances in this stuff I say
OK so if you could kick me out Shaw kicked out now
so it's looking good on my side I see
you've been removed from the meeting did you get to message like that now let me to try again is make sure it wasn't just to an anomaly although definitely happened and the whole screen froze and you could see all the video feeds just frozen in time so there's definitely completely frozen
again but you are right that doesn't I can't click OK OK I'm
to try one more time Mr. double confirm
so that is definitely me mobile marked workout
he asked the same thing for me stuff
libido shot made as follows an entire debate
as far as I'm unfortunately what case or what we're going to do to strike the whole that and see if that's a regression in the up okay second sorry we're going to try the old BAP the allocation I go I'm
good stuff
OK monster because he crack on the Africa to continue down the listen you go with it
I got
I wouldn't have been blocked at the moment for that Shaw
what I suppose is live-streamed check video is paused and his query open up the you are L of extreme
you might kick in me
I find
it's cool looking Purim delay affects my muted productions
Yellowknife on this much better is really OK thank some isolate to Android perhaps for there are few could their flag it on the patchy and yes of course I fully
you guys to
I'm actually by you've already flagged that I'm going to say I'm
listed fine cook
lovely generally do anything that can help with a
if you
was fine I'm going to do to to load testing another server OK sure that once you get the data high it's beginning I
have opposed it
not yet but it just about to be that now and get a stream up hopefully and get this done within five minutes Livesay Javani founded will break his own time yeah is hugged so much
well he advised this initial me in which case I'm I'm 13
I hate listening to myself
let me underscore OK Mr. Annett speeded up I am speaking nonsense OK let's pause to Street
it's covers plenty fate can condemn
My last it I can second yeah of course matter to us that we say because he would ever done for us to be remodelled
Dominic speakers show as we start fine as well
it's with that restart is not one of the categories OK
the layout
model opposes moderator restarts
then model is not enough he waiting close if confirmed anyway I'm doing a quick PSNI smoke now body Merlin
smashed it out old-school style he asked how they for how that means
so I think with
all Africa's Abacus
how is it accepts that you're talking about that guy to the French name least only in name but his name the savant guy 0 yeah receiving saw Kim peak in the video you can we watch
why which services against he's the guy who I can speak both languages like picks up all Year Year the and the British God I used the S quite like 50 thousand now live and the canal two days 11 May and hopefully for he also the guy who goes to see an hour leg and his student that if attached to him
there are also the same people the very same like psychologist that does the Tesla can peak in his documentary already and he must be pretty famous in the field for like I mean the both savant with weird skills I make sense
ghastly things just the way to an impact of Icelandic those languages says manner and wish I was clever now
so I think that some of the guys name but they the British guy I needed it covered anyway like he can ease obviously for autism but he's learn how to sort of communicate out of his autism he can't describe in detail what's going on in his head which no one else in the world can do which is really in treasury
unless something that anyone else like him is unlike him because he had their introverted and they can't express it properly which is why they do what they do with he's got the social part he's learnt social part himself
and yet he keeps all the other stuff yeah I s the both Bergsman but down its currency this approach I can find is one that can do the
flight vitamin that helicopter once a Rossetti and than he liked just draw everything he sought perfectly as mental Farabi aback omen